Motorcycle crash faqs
common question & Answers you need to know
Every motorcycle accident is different, keep a cool head and think about these most common motorcycle accident questions.
Gather information such as the name of other driver, driver’s license information, vehicle license plate, witness information, take pictures of the vehicles, scene, other drivers, witnesses etc…, call the police for a report and contact us for help.
The short answer is YES! Shouldn’t your lawyer know about the things that really matter in a motorcycle crash, such as:
- How a bike handles
- Proper braking
- Counter-steering
- Tank slapping
- Tar snakes
- Uneven or grooved pavement
This is not a good idea. Remember, the insurance company is not your friend and will take advantage of what you don’t know. That is why for close to 30 years, bikers have depended on us to help them collect ALL of their damages.
If you have suffered losses and the crash is not your fault, then YES! You cannot recover your losses until you make a claim. The insurance company will not call and offer help until you make a claim.
No problem we can help. We have top-notch medical providers willing to treat you and wait to be paid out of your settlement money. Your health is critical so you should never delay finding medical help due to lack of insurance.
No worries. While straightening out a report may be difficult, we have done it hundreds of times. If you need help with this, do not delay in calling us. You want to address this while it is fresh on the officer’s mind, while the camera and video recordings are still available and before a witness may disappear.
Hopefully not. Sometimes lawsuits are necessary because there is a fight about who is at fault and/or the value of your claim. While most claims are settled without a lawsuit, if a suit is necessary, it must be filed on or before the 2 year anniversary of your crash.
It depends on the nature of your injuries. For example, a bruised leg is worth less than a broken leg. Until we know all the information about your injuries and what the future holds for you, it is impossible to give a value. Things such as medical bills, lost wages, whether your injuries are permanent, scars etc… have a great impact on the value of your case.
NEVER. Need an initial consult about what to do, call us and we will help, FREE OF CHARGE, in guiding you through the process.
YES! When you need legal help, shouldn’t you expect to speak with a lawyer? This is why we are different. Most injury law firms have a stable legal of legal assistant taking calls. Not here!! Our lawyers are always available to talk about your case.
No recovery – NO FEE! It’s that simple. Your attorney’s fees are paid out of your settlement funds. No upfront costs and no out-of-pocket expenses.

Check out all our biker resources
Accident Guide
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
Crash questions
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
Common injuries
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
links & Resources
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
military assistance
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
Biker Blog
All the common questions you need to know about a motorcycle crash
David is a motorcyclist himself. He absolutely knows what it's like to share the road when you're on two wheels and all the other vehicles around, you are on four or more, and he understands that you have a right to the roadway.
Kathy E.
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