Fact Check: I Am Safer On The Street

January 17, 2020

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  • Fact Check: I Am Safer On The Street

Well, it depends. Fact – controlled access roads such as interstates are usually safer for a number of reasons. All traffic is going the same direction, there are no side street intersections to deal with, there are fewer entrances and exit ramps, there are no pedestrians and fewer roadway objects to dodge. While many bikers feel that slower speeds, such as on city roads, provides a sense of control, this is not true. Though city street accidents are typically at slower speeds, the dangers on a city street far outweigh those of the interstate. So while the idea of being caught in the crosswinds of an 18 wheeler at 70 mph usually is not comforting to most bikers, you ARE actually safer on the interstate versus a city street.

Fact Check – NOT TRUE!

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